Mobile applications already make up a huge portion of software development efforts and that segment is growing larger. Native development environments for mobile platforms can have steep learning curves and may require multiple skilled programmers in order to target multiple platforms. Making use of an existing desktop language and SDK that can target multiple platforms from a single code base has a number of advantages. Xamarin. Android leverages the .NET platform and C# language to allow development of Android, iOS, and other mobile apps using a significant portion of shared code. In this learning path, you will learn about the Xamarin platform and specifically how it is used to develop mobile Android. applications. You will also learn about some alternative Android development methods and some of the underlying technologies used.
Courses in this collection:
Android For .NET Developers: Introduction to Xamarin for .NET (3 Hours, 11 Minutes)
- The Xamarin.Android platform provides a means to design and develop Android applications using .NET/C# in Visual Studio, or the native Xamarin integrated development environment (IDE). It allows developers who may already be familiar with application development in C# to quickly get started developing mobile Android applications. C#/.NET has a small learning curve allowing new developers an easy path to mobile app development. In this course, you will learn to prepare an Xamarin development environment. You will also familiarize yourself with some of the basics of Android development.
Android For .NET Developers: Android OS (2 Hours, 57 Minutes)
- The Android mobile platform has become extremely popular. Available on both flagship devices with high-specification hardware as well as budget handsets, it offers developers and consumers a large number of useful application program interfaces or APIs and features. In this course, you will learn to create a simple Android application and run it in an emulator. You will also learn some of the fundamentals and history of the Android platform.
Android For .NET Developers: Android User Interface Elements (3 Hours, 53 Minutes)
- The Android platform offers a host of useful user interface components that you can leverage to create your application and provide a meaningful interaction for your users. Layout elements control how your application is presented to the user, and Views provide elegant methods of displaying interactive data to your users. In this course, you will learn about the variety of UI elements available for use in the Xamarin. Android development environment. You will also learn to utilize and place UI components in the UI designer.
Android For .NET Developers: Different Approaches to Development (1 Hour, 54 Minutes)
- In addition to Xamarin, Android, other cross-platform development solutions exist to target Android and other mobile platforms. Depending on your needs and application requirements, an alternative approach may prove easier and more cost-effective for your deployment. In this course, you will learn about the Apache Cordova framework and also learn about developing cross-platform applications using C++.
Android For .NET Developers: Java, Garbage Collection, Debugging, and Runtime (1 Hour, 53 Minutes)
- Many Android developers may be coming into Xamarin. Android with an existing Java background. This course provides resources and examples to help you transition from Android development in Java to C#. You will also learn about advanced programming topics such as debugging and garbage collection.
Android For .NET Developers: Advanced Design, Build, Android Wear, and Emulator (2 Hours, 4 Minutes)
- Understanding the design and background processes used by your development environment can increase productivity and help produce more efficient code. This course discusses a number of advanced topics that take place 'under the hood' of Xamarin. Android apps and their build process. You will also learn about Android wearable devices and writing applications to target the Android Wear platform. This course also introduces the Visual Studio Emulator for Android and highlights its features.
Developing Android Applications
Android is the ubiquitous operating system found in millions of devices from phones to appliances and laptops. With such widespread use, there's an innumerable number of uses for the OS. This learning path will explore mobile development with Android, including the basics of designing apps and interfaces and essential coding practices, to more advanced topics including interactivity, activities, connectivity, and services. Defensive programming and security, as well as debugging and testing are also covered.
Courses in this collection:
Developing Android Applications: Introduction (1 Hour, 4 Minutes)
- Android apps are built with the open-source Android Studio. Explore Android and Android Studio and discover how to create your first Android app.
Developing Android Applications: App Structure and Formatting (58 Minutes)
- Android apps are designed using a specialized XML. Discover how to run Android apps using a connected Android device or the device emulator, the structure elements of apps, and the basics of app formatting.
Developing Android Applications: App Layout (1 Hour, 11 Minutes)
- Android apps are laid out using a powerful form of XML found in Android Studio. Explore Android app layout and layout modification techniques.
Developing Android Applications: Creating an App with Java (1 Hour, 24 Minutes)
- Android apps need to be interactive and that means programming in Java. Discover how to create an app, from layout to Java coding.
Developing Android Applications: Activities, Connectivity, and Services (49 Minutes)
- Android devices are connected devices. Discover Android activities, broadcast receivers and content providers, and how to work with services.
Developing Android Applications: Defensive Programming and Security (53 Minutes)
- Any application development requires an understanding of security. Explore defensive programming and security in Android, including errors and exceptions, and malware and threat detection.
Developing Android Applications: Debugging and Testing (52 Minutes)
- A key element of Android development is debugging and testing. Explore Android debugging, including Logcat, and testing with Android Studio.