Grow your programming skills by exploring Java and also learning about Git, GitHub, and mobile app development as you aim to become a journeyman developer.
This learning path, with more than 92 hours of online content, is divided into the following four tracks:
- Track 1: Apprentice Developer
- Track 2: Senior Developer
- Track 3: Lead Developer
- Track 4: Journeyman Developer
Track 1: Apprentice Developer
In this track of the Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer journey, the focus is on getting started with Java programming, and classes and objects in Java.
E-learning courses
- Java Programming: Introduction
- Java Programming: Working with Primitive Data Types
- Java Programming: Arithmetic & Logical Operations
- Java Programming: Working with Strings & Wrapper Objects
- Java Programming: Conditional Evaluation
- Java Programming: Iterative Evaluation
- Java SE 13: Understanding Classes & Objects in Java
- Java SE 13: Constructors & Other Methods
- Java SE 13: More Operations on Member Variables & Methods
- Java SE 13: Semantics of Method Invocation & Nested Classes
- Java SE 13: Understanding Exception Handling in java
- Java SE 13: Correctly Using Try-Catch-Finally Blocks
- Java SE 13: Try-with-resources & Custom Exceptions
- Java SE 13: Byte & Character Streams in Java
- Java SE 13: Streams for Primitive Types, Objects, & Buffered IO
- Java SE 13: Working with Files & Directories
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Apprentice Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Perform Apprentice Developer tasks such as working with arrays and static and non-static methods, managing exceptions in Java, and working with FileWriter and FileReader. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after using Do-While Loop, working with inner classes, and using try-with-resources. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Enterprise Developers, including Oracle JDK 8 &
Track 2: Senior Developer
In this track of the Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer journey, the focus is on Object-Oriented Programming in Java and Introducing Git and GitHub.
E-learning courses
- Java OOP: Understanding Inheritance & Polymorphism in Java
- Java OOP: The Role of Constructors in Inheritance
- Java OOP: Multi-level Inheritance
- Java OOP: Run-time & Compile-time Polymorphism
- Java OOP: Understanding Overriding & Hiding in Inheritance
- Java OOP: The Semantics of the final & abstract Keywords
- Java OOP: Access Modifiers for Regulating Access
- Java OOP: Interfaces & Anonymous Classes
- Git & GitHub: Introduction
- Git & GitHub: Working with Git Repositories
- Git & GitHub: Using GitHub for Source Code Management
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Senior Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Perform Senior Developer tasks such as working with derived methods, using the Super Keyword, implementing polymorphism, and working with final classes and methods. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing cross-package access of protected members, pushing from a local to remote repo, merging branches, and working with issues and milestone in GitHub.
Track 3: Lead Developer
In this track, the focus is on advanced features in Java and data structures and algorithms in Java.
E-learning collections
- Advanced Features in Java: Getting Started with Java Collections
- Advanced Features in Java: Working with Lists in Java
- Advanced Features in Java: List Algorithms & Implementations
- Advanced Features in Java: Working with Sets in Java
- Advanced Features in Java: Working with Maps in Java
- Advanced Features in Java: Using the Java Stream API with Collections
- Advanced Features in Java: Using Built-in Annotations
- Advanced Features in Java: Using Custom Annotations
- Advanced Features in Java: Using Generic Type Parameters
- Advanced Features in Java: Wildcards and Type Capture
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Introduction
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with Singly Linked Lists
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Doubly & Circular Linked Lists
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with Stacks
- Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with Queues
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Lead Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Perform Lead Developer tasks such as working with ArrayList, using Comparator with TreeSet, working with Maps and Streams. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after implementing custom annotations, using TypeParameters, working with LinkedList and managing queue. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Lead Developers, including: Oracle JDK 11 & Eclipse for JEE Developers.
Track 4: Journeyman Developer
In this track of the Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer journey, the focus is on mobile app development on Android.
E-learning collections
- Mobile App Development: An Introduction to Android Development
- Mobile App Development: Building a Basic Android App
- Mobile App Development: Defining the UI for an Android App
- Mobile App Development: Coding the Behavior of an Android App
- Mobile App Development: Authentication in an Android App
- Mobile App Development: Testing an Android App
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Journeyman Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Perform Journeyman Developer tasks such as configuring Android Project, managing Android Virtual Device, working with Layout, and linking Intent. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after working with NavigationUI, managing splash screen and user interface, and using Espresso. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Journeyman Developers, including: Android Studio.