Blockchain allows you to differentiate your organization from the competition with secure distribution for supply chain management, medical records, manufacturing, retail, and more. As such, Blockchain Solutions Architects are vital to companies that transact with the outside world. Explore the different stages required to become a Blockchain Solutions Architect.
This learning path, with more than 78 hours of online content, is divided into the following four tracks:
- Track 1: Blockchain Application Developer
- Track 2: Blockchain Smart Contracts Programmer
- Track 3: Blockchain Engineer
- Track 4: Blockchain Solutions Architect
Track 1: Blockchain Application Developer
In this track of the Blockchain journey, the focus is getting started with Blockchain and discovering Ethereum.
E-learning courses
- Blockchains & Ethereum: Introduction
- Blockchains & Ethereum: Performing Transactions in Ethereum
- Blockchains & Ethereum: Mining and Smart Contracts in Ethereum
- Working with Ethereum: Storing Data
- Working with Ethereum: Smart Contract Development
- Working with Ethereum: Metamask & the Ethereum Wallet
- Working with Ethereum: The Geth Client
- Working with Ethereum: Lifecycle of a Smart Contract
- Working with Ethereum: Tools for Smart Contract Development
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Blockchain Application Developer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Practice Blockchain Application Developer tasks such as working with cryptographic functions, developing, compiling, and deploying a smart contract in Remix. You will also set up a private Ethereum network. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after interacting with a deployed smart contract.
This lab provides access to tools typically used by Blockchain Application Developers, including:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, NPM/Node, Git, Ethereum, Geth, Chrome, VS Code
Track 2: Blockchain Smart Contracts Programmer
In this Skillsoft Aspire track of the Blockchain journey, the focus is coding smart contracts with Solidity and building smart contracts with Hyperledger.
E-learning courses
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: An Overview of Ethereum and Solidity
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: Features of the Solidity Language
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: The Remix Solidity IDE
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: Functions in Solidity
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: Ether Transfer Operations in Solidity
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: Data & Control Structures in Solidity
- Ethereum Smart Contracts with Solidity: Build Decentralized Apps
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Foundations of Hyperledger Fabric
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Setting Up a Hyperledger Fabric Network
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in Golang
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Working with Fabric Chaincode in NodeJS
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Fabric Web App
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Composer Playground
- Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Web Apps for Hyperledger Composer Networks
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Blockchain Smart Contracts Programmer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Practice Smart Contracts Programmer tasks such as creating smart contracts in Remix, adding function to a smart contract, and testing, reviewing, and extending a smart contract. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after creating a Hyperledger fabric chain and creating queries fabric chaincode. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Smart Contracts Programmer.
Track 3: Blockchain Engineer
In this track of the Blockchain journey, the focus is the Hyperledge Fabric and Working with the Truffle Suite.
E-learning collections
- Truffle Suite: Introduction
- Truffle Suite: BlockBuilding Private Blockchain Networks with Ganache
- Truffle Suite: Automating Development with the Truffle Framework
- Truffle Suite: Using Drizzle to Build Decentralized Apps
- Blockchain & Hyperledger Fabric: An Overview of Blockchain Technology
- Blockchain & Hyperledger Fabric: An Overview of Hyperledger
- Blockchain & Hyperledger Fabric: The Hyperledger Fabric
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Blockchain Engineer (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Practice blockchain engineering tasks by creating and working with a smart contract using Truffle, Ganache, Drizzle and React.js. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Blockchain Engineers.
Track 4: Blockchain Solutions Architect
In this track of the Blockchain journey, the focus is building decentralized applications and building blockchains on the cloud.
E-learning collections
- Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: An Introduction to dApps
- Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Building the Back End
- Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Building the Front End
- Building Decentralized Applications for Ethereum: Bespoke Ethereum Tokens
- Cloud Blockchains: An Introduction to Blockchain on the Cloud
- Cloud Blockchains: Single Organization Networks on Amazon Managed Blockchain
- Cloud Blockchains: Multi-Organization Networks on Amazon Managed Blockchain
- Cloud Blockchains: Building Apps on the Azure Blockchain Workbench
Online Mentor
- You can reach your Mentor 24/7 by entering chats or submitting an email.
Final Exam assessment
- Estimated duration: 90 minutes
Practice Labs: Blockchain Solutions Architect (estimated duration: 8 hours)
- Practice Blockchain Solutions Architect tasks such as designing and implementing an Ethereum Smart Contract. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after creating a token on the Ethereum network. This lab provides access to tools typically used by Blockchain Solutions Architects.