Digital roles top the list of jobs on the rise in 2024
Live and work wherever you want!
Most of the hottest jobs for 2025 can all be done remotely, according to LinkedIn’s analysis of work trends in 15 countries. It predicts 150 million new technology jobs in the next five years. 84% of employers plan to expand remote working, according to a World Economic Forum report. The digital revolution means a career change for many.
If you’re in the market for a new role, and you have the right skills for a position in Information Technology, you’re in luck: they’re all on the list of LinkedIn’s predictions for the hottest jobs of 2021 and beyond.
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Why DiviTrain Tech Academy
Whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time or need to find a new direction, skills-based ICT education will put you on the fast track to an in-demand career.
The DiviTrain Unique Selling Points:
Ø The most extensive course library in the world
Ø Courses developed based on the science of learning
Ø 24/7 cloud access to all courses
Ø Courses for every step of your career
Ø Most courses with 24/7 live tutor and live practice labs
Ø The Official MeasureUp Practice exams
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The DiviTrain CertKit™ is a dynamic, unique, 1-click certification preparation product. The CertKit provides you with learning and certification preparation tools fully integrated into a custom built learning management system (LMS).
The DiviTrain CertKit enables you to access all the following products from within one LMS.
Online Mentor 24/7
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Tips, Tricks & Links
Virtual LAB’s

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